A New Chapter

Geography was always my favorite subject in school beginning in 3rd or 4th grade. I was fascinated with different cultures and longed to travel the places in my textbooks. Eager to experience all the sights, sounds, smells and discovery of foreign lands my mind became a sponge absorbing all I read.

My first airplane venture was as a solo traveler to my cousin’s wedding. At 12 years old I was a junior bridesmaid. I excitedly dressed up in my trendiest attire - red, white and blue go-go boots and short dress. The only thing I remember about that exciting adventure was opening up a small, individually-wrapped bar of soap in the plane’s bathroom. I was so impressed I snuck one in my purse and it was my souvenir from the entire trip! So silly, but yet I kept that bar of soap for at least 10 years!!!

My second airplane trip was as a new bride on her honeymoon. In those days the airlines gave out champaign bottles and to this day I still have the United bar cloth that was wrapped around it. That was 35 years ago! Since that day, with the travel bug inside me, carrying a passport I have journeyed around the globe.

Owning The Emporium in downtown Castle Rock, Colorado has been a fun venture with my husband, the serial entrepreneur. Once the adult kiddos joined the family venture I stepped aside. After a while I was totally bored. In February I purchased a travel agency franchise - Cruise Planners, known to be Land and Cruise Experts.

This summer I spent time training and educating myself in the business. As one who is passionate about travel this was easy and fun. After all, I am on my third passport. I have ventured to 26 different countries and that doesn’t count for the ones that I passed through on airport stops.

This blog will be published weekly and I hope it entertains and educates you to the joy found in exploring the world. Stories of my past and present travels, technology for travel, new ships, great hotels, trending destinations, recipes, book reviews, gadgets and gizmos will all be addressed.

So until next time…


What’s next in your passport?

Traveling in Sri Lanka, May 2014